Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Multiple Parties and Teams - N10


In this chapter, all level of multi party negotiation needed for complex situations, we have explored the dynamics of two forms of multiparty negotiations, so that they must work together in achieve a collective decision with thoughtfully consider. The parties involved are considerably more likely to the process and effective outcome.
Effective groups and their members do the following things:
1.Test assumptions and inferences
2.Share all relevant information
3.Focus on interests, not positions
4.Be specific – use examples
5.Agree on what important works mean
6.Explain the reasons behind one’s statements, questions, and answers
7.Disagree openly with any member of the group
8.Make statements, then invite questions and comments
9.Jointly design ways to test disagreements and solutions
10.Discuss with undiscuss issues
11.Keep the discussion focused
12.Do not take cheap shots or otherwise distract the group
13.Expect to have all members participate in all phases of the process
14.Exchange relevant information with no group members.
15.Make decisions by consensus
16.Conduct a self-critique

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