Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Best Practics in Negotiation - N12


This chapter reflects on negotiation at broad level by providing 10 “best practices”

1. Be Prepared
2. Diagnose the fundamental structure of the negotiation
3. Identify and work the BATNA
4. Be willing to walk away
5. Master paradoxes of negotiation
6. Remember the intangibles
7. Actively manage coalitions
8. Savor and protect your reputation
9. Remember that rationality and fairness are relative
10.Continue to learn from the experience.

International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation - N11


This chapter discusses some of the factors that make international negotiation different, including environmental context. This chapter also described the effect of culture, how culture has been conceptualized. There are two important ways that culture has been conceptualized: culture as shared value, and culture dialectic.
We discussed 10 ways that culture can influences negotiation:
1.The definition of negotiation
2 The negotiation opportunity
3.The selection of negotiators
5.Time sensitivity
6.Risk propensity
7.Groups versus individuals
8The nature of agreements
The chapter concludes with a discussion of culturally responsive strategies available to the international negotiator.

Multiple Parties and Teams - N10


In this chapter, all level of multi party negotiation needed for complex situations, we have explored the dynamics of two forms of multiparty negotiations, so that they must work together in achieve a collective decision with thoughtfully consider. The parties involved are considerably more likely to the process and effective outcome.
Effective groups and their members do the following things:
1.Test assumptions and inferences
2.Share all relevant information
3.Focus on interests, not positions
4.Be specific – use examples
5.Agree on what important works mean
6.Explain the reasons behind one’s statements, questions, and answers
7.Disagree openly with any member of the group
8.Make statements, then invite questions and comments
9.Jointly design ways to test disagreements and solutions
10.Discuss with undiscuss issues
11.Keep the discussion focused
12.Do not take cheap shots or otherwise distract the group
13.Expect to have all members participate in all phases of the process
14.Exchange relevant information with no group members.
15.Make decisions by consensus
16.Conduct a self-critique

Relationships in Negotiation - N9


In this chapter, we evaluated the status of previous negotiation research which has focused almost exclusively on market exchange relationships. We see that parties shift focus considerably, moving away from a sole focus on price and exchange to also attend to the future of the relationship, including the level of trust between the parties and questions of fairness and to build strong positive reputation. There are three things that contribute to the level of trust one negotiator may have for another: the individual’s chronic disposition toward trust; situation factors; and the history of the relationship between the parties. The third major issue in relationships is the question of what is fair or just. Not only are various form of justice interrelated, but reputation, trust, and justice all interact in shaping expectations of the other’s behavior

Ethics in Negotiation - N8


In this chapter, we approached the study of ethically ambiguous tactics from a decision-making framework. We have discussed hoe ethical question are inherent in the process of negotiation, We proposed that a negotiator’s decision to use ethically ambiguous tactics typically grows out of desire increase one’s negotiating power by manipulating the landscape of information in negotiation.

We addressed how negotiators can respond to another party that maybe using tactics of deception subterfuges. This chapter also focused on the intentions and motives to use deceptive tactics. Different types of deception can serve different purpose in negotiation. The motivation can affect the tendency to use deceptive tactics. The consequences of unethical conduct are based on whether the tactic is effective; how the other person evaluates the tactic; and how the negotiator evaluates the tactic.

Finding and Using Negotiation Power - N7


In this chapter, we discussed the nature of power in negotiation. We suggested that there were two major ways to think about power “power over” which suggests that power is fundamentally dominate and coercive in nature and “power with” suggesting that power is jointly shared with the other party to collectively develop joint goals and objective.

This chapter ends with the dealing with others who have more power.
The negotiators should be advised as follow:
Never do an all-or-nothing deal
Make the other party smaller
Make yourself bigger
Build momentum through doing deals in sequence
Use the power of competition to leverage power
Constrain yourself
Good information is always a source of power
Do what you can to manage the process

Monday, April 21, 2008

Leading through Effective External Relations - L10


In this chapter I lhad earned to do as the following:

- develop an external relations strategy
- build and maintain a positive corporate image
- work with the news media
- handle crisis communications

This chapter talked about how to do developing an external relations strategy. Leading through effective external relations points out that a positive public image or reputation affects a company’s ability to achieve success. It provides approaches to projects a positive image in public from four aspects.

However, the focus of this chapter is primarily on the activities usually considered public relations, including press and media management, philanthropic activities, community involvement, investor relations and external publications.

Here are guidelines will help company to respond appropriately.1. Develop a general crisis communication plan and communicate it2. Once the crisis occurs, respond quickly,3. Make sure you have the right people ready to respond and that they all respond with the same message4. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience5. Do not overlook the value of the web6. Revisit your crisis communication plan frequently7. Build in a way to monitor the coverage8. Perform a postcrisis evaluation

Establishing Leadership through Strategic Internal Communication - L9


In this chapter I had learned to do as the following:

- recognize the strategic role of employee communication
- assess internal communication effectiveness
- establish effective internal communication-
use missions and visions to strengthen communication
- design and implement effective change communication

This chapter informs us how leader communicates internally with employee. One of the major responsibilities of an organizational leader is communication with employees. By communicating effectively with employees. We should assess the employee communication effectiveness in order to coach or encourage them for accomplishing the organization’s goal.

Leadership communication must include how best create and deliver these core messages to ensure they are strong and meaningful and not simply feeble slogans good only for adoring coffee cups. You want the vision and mission particular to guide employees efforts toward achieving your company's strategic goals. It also discusses how to develop and use vision and mission statements to lead the organization and provides an approach to effective change communication.

Building and Leading High-Performing Teams - L8


In this chapter I had leaned to do as the following:

- build an effective team
- establish the necessary team work processes
- manage the people side of teams
- handle team issues and conflict
- help virtual teams succeed

Deciding to form teams is the first step to build the effective team. The team is ready to be formed after we know that the team is the best approach to achieve goal, the organization knows how to manage tam issues and processes and know how to resolves the conflicts, the company technology supports team communication, and the performance can be measured.

Establishing the necessary team work process including: creating your team charter,using action and work plans,delivering the results, learning from the team experience.

There ar several advantages be provided by using virtual team such as lowering travel cost, reducing project schedules, improving efficiency, and so on. The virtual team needs to have more structure than a traditional team so the member should be trained and practice.

Leading Productive Management Meetings - L7


In this chapter I had learned to do as the following:

- decide when a meeting is the best forum
- complete essential meeting planning
- conduct a productive meeting
- manage meeting problems and conflict
- ensure meetings lead to action

This chapter focuses on how to plan and conduct productive meeting. We should primarily determine when a meeting is the best forum. The next step is completing the essential planning by

(1) clarifying purpose and expected outcome
(2) determining topics for the agenda
(3) selecting attendees
(4) considering the setting
(5) determining when to meet and
(6) establishing needed meeting information.

When the meeting problems and conflicts happened,skilled facilitators should be prepared to
1) handle some of the most common meeting problems
2) manage meeting conflict
3) deal with issues arising from cultural differences.

Communication - N6


In this chapter we have overview how to improve communication in negotiation and special communication consideration at the close of negotiation. How people communication in negotiation the use of language nonverbal communication and selection of communication channel.

Preception, Cognition and Emotion - N5


In this chapter, the first portion of the chapter presented a brief overview of the perceptual and discussed four types of perceptual distortion, stereotyping, halo effects, selective perception, and projection.

The chapter then discussed one of the most important recent areas of inquiry in negotiation, that of cognitive biases in negotiation. This was followed by consideration of way to manage misperception and cognitive biases in negotiation.

The first step to manage misperceptions and cognitive biases in negotiation is to be aware. When negotiators apply mismatch frames, it may become to reframe the negotiation. The role of mood and emotion can effect to the negotiation while the consequences for negotiation is leaded by the emotion. The distinction between mood and emotion is based on three characteristics: specificity, intensity, and duration. Emotions play important roles at various stages of negotiation interaction.

Strategy and Palnning - N4


This chapter starts with exploring the broad process of strategy development, defining the negotiator’s goals and objectives, developing a strategy to address the issues, and finally addressing the typical stages and phases of an evolving negotiation and how different issues affecting the planning process.

These following issues will help a negotiator do carefully plans:
1. Understand the key issues that must be resolved in the upcoming negotiations
2. assemble all the issues together and understand the complexity of the bargaining mix
3. understand and define the key interests at stake that underlie the issues
4. define the limits – points where we will walk away – and alternatives – other deals we could do if this deal does not work out
5. clarify the targets to be achieved and the opening points – where we will begin the discussion
6. understand my constituents and what they expect of me
7. understand the other party in the negotiation – their goals, issues, strategies, interests, limits, alternatives, targets, openings and authority
8. plan the process by which I will present and “sell” my ideas to the other party
9. define the important points of protocol in the process – the agenda, who will be at the table or observing the negotiation, where and when we will negotiate

Strategy and Tactics of Intergrative Negotiation - N3


This chapter introduced the strategy and tactics of integrative negotiation and began with an overview of integrative negotiation process.

There are two reasons that every negotiator should be familiar with distributive bargaining. First, some interdependent situations that negotiators face are distributive, and to do well in them negotiators need to understand how they work. Second, because many people use distributive bargaining strategies and tactics almost exclusively, all negotiation will find it important to know how to counter their effects.

There are many factors to find the best solution: the presence of a common goal, faith in one’s own problem-solving ability, a belief in the validity of the other party’s position, the motivation and commitment to work together, trust, clear and accurate communication, and an understanding of the dynamics of integrative negotiation.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Developing Emotional Intelligence and Culural Literacy to Strengten Leadership Communication - L6


In this chapter, I had learned to do as the following:

- appreciate the value of emotional intelligence
- take steps to increase to the own self-awareness
- improve nonverbal skills;- improve listening skills
- mentor others and provide feedback
- realize the value of cultural literacy
- use a cultural framework to understand differences.

This chapter talked about the Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Literacy which are important to communicate with others effectively. The first sections of this chapter discuss the value of emotional intelligence and how to achieve it;the later sections on nonverbal communications, listening, people development,and culture literacy will increase your ability to understand the emotional subtext.

Using Graphics and PowerPoint for a Leadership Edge - L5


In this chapter I had earned to do as the following:

-Recognize when to use graphics.
-Select and design effective data charts.
-Create meaningful and effective text layouts.
-Employ fundamental graphic content and design principles.-Make the most of PowerPoint as a design and presentation tool.

This chapter introduces the method of using graphics and PowerPoint in presentation. Leader need to know how and when to use graphips. Graphics improve presentation and documents,particularly if the material is primarily quantitative,structural,pictorial,or so complicated that it can be illustrated efficiently and more effectively with a visual aid than with words alone.

You can utilize PPT to catch the audience attention and every slide must contain meaningful content. Finally use the tools correctly, and you must know these tools are only the good aidance not the replacement.

Developing and Delivering Leadership Presentations - L4


In this chapter, I had learned to as do the following:

- plan your presentation, including development a communication strategy.
- prepare a presentation to achieve the greatest impact.
- present effectively and with greater confidence.

This chapter talked about how to present our message effectively through Three "P" process; Planning, Preparing, and Presenting. The process provides an approach to developing presentations that will help you move through each step strategically so that you can deliver any type of presentation with confidence.

This chapter applies the tools and techniques of determining the strategy, structuring communication coherently, and using language effectively – to the art of public speaking.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Using Language to Achieve a Leadership Purpose - L 3


In this chapter, I had learned to do as the following:

-Achieve a positive ethos through tone and style.-clearly and concisely.
-Use language correctly.
-Employ efficient editing techniques.

This chapter introduce that in the leadership communication, I need to reflect an appropriate tone and develop a confident style because the readers assume the ethos through both of them. I must make sure that our language is clear, crisp, and meaningful. The article has listed 10 guidelines to us for reference.

1) Avoid the overuse of the passive voice – the actor should come first in the sentence.
2) Avoid expletives, such as “there is” or “it is” – watch for the “it is …that” construction in particular.
3) Avoid the use of prepositional idioms.
4) Avoid the overuse of relative pronouns – who, which and that.
5) Avoid the repetition of words and ideas.
6) Do not overuse descriptive words, particularly adverbs.
7) Avoid weasel words, ambiguous noncommittal words.
8) Be aware of jargon and other kinds of gobbledygook.
9) Avoid nominalizations.
10) Finally, avoid redundancies.

As a leader, you want your audience to percieve positive ethos in your tone,to see you as confident,and to trust and believe you.This chapter begins by discussion how you an achieve a positive ethos throught your writing and speaking style,which your audience percieve as your tone.It provides ways to make your style more concise and, by doing so, ensure that you sound more forceful and confident.It then reviews briefly the correct use of language expected in leadership communication and concludes by showing you techniques the help you edit your own work.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Distribution Bargain - N 2


This chapter talked about the basic element of a distributive bargaining situation which can be explained into 3 points; Opening, Target, and Resistance point. Each of these elements is foundational to understanding how negotiation works.

There are some tactics to achieve the bargaining and some deals to handle the other party’s resistance point negotiation.

This chapter also mentioned "bargaining mix" and the stucture of distributive bargaining. Finally, distributive bargaining skills are important at the value claiming stage of any negotiation.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Creating Leadership Document Chapter - L 2


In this chapter I had learned to do as the following:

-Select the most effective written communication medium.
-Create individual or team documents.
-Organize document content coherently.
-Conform to content and format expectations in correspondence.
-Include expected contents in reports.-Format business documents effectively.

Leadership documents are correspondence and reports by which manager and executives assert their influence in a wide range of organization settings. Leaders write correspondence several times daily.They also write different kinds of reports, from complicated studies and white papers with recommendation and pages of analysis to shorter progress reviews.

This chapter also provides this information how to conform to content and formatting expectations in correspondence (Letters, Memos, and E-mails), and including expected content in reports. Many reports serve multiple purposes such as informing, instructing and persuading.

This chapter focused on helping us to create leadership documents the accomplish our communication objectives.In addition,this chapter we have come across the idea of achieving coherency by using a logical structure and effective organization and by making sure your document conform in content and format to typical business expectations.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nature of Negotiation Chapter - N1


In this chapter I explored four key elements for negotiation process:
1. managing interdependence
2. engaging in mutual adjustment
3. creating or claiming value and
4.managing conflict.
The author talked about the characteristics of Negotiation situation which are composed of two or more parties who need each other. The author also described the definition of conflict, its level, and its dysfunctions in order to understand how to manage the conflict. There are five major strategies for Conflict Management as follow: Contending, Yielding, Inaction, Problem solving and Compromising.

Leadership Communication Chapter- L1

In this chapter I had learned to do as the following:

- establish a clear communication purpose
- develop communication strategy
- analyze the audience
- organize written and oral communication effectively

This chapter goal is about the leadership communication which emphasized on establishing a clear purpose developing a communication strategy, analyzing an audience, and ensuring we use the most effective organization structure. And those criteria are as follow as traditionally defined in business, strategy and consists of two pieces:

1. Determining you goals
2. Developing a plan to achieve them.

The same definition applies to communication strategy.
Firstly, I have to determine exactly what the goal or purpose is in communicating with the audience, and then decide how best to accomplish that purpose. Communicating with anyone inside or outside an organization without stopping to develop a strategy and analyze the audience could potentially harm both me and the organization. At a minimum, not developing a strategy could prevent messages from reaching audiences as you intend. A sender can eliminate most of the interferences or barriers to successful communication by taking time to develop a strategy and analyze audience. Whenever I have clarified our purpose, conducted the audience analysis, and created the strategy, we're getting ready to choose the best way containing good organization to present our ideas to the audience by both written and oral.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Letter of Introduction; My self

Hello everyone. My name is Suapsit Puttikaew and my nick name is O. My home country is Thailand, I think everyone know my country. I stay in U.S.A. almost 8 months in Richmond,CA. I have plan to study Master Degree, MBA, and improve my English skill.
I graduated bachelor degree in Faculty of Humanities in major English. I used to work in the international company as a Sales Representative and Marketing for 1 year and 6 months. I usually wacthing T.V. and play the internet in my free time. I am also love to play soccer and run around my neighborhood.
Now, I study at the Lincoln University in MBA program and I hope I will receive the good education and good friend in here. I don't know my future is, but I will do my best.
Impossible is Nothing !